Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 12 jan, 2014

An unusual small bowel obstruction (abdominal cocoon): a case report

Seyed Ziaeddin RASIHASHEMI
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202014000100019


Abdominal cocoon is a rare disease which causes small-bowel obstruction that is characterized by a thick, fibrotic and cocoon-like membrane encapsulating total or partially the small bowel1,2,3. Its etiology remains unknown4,5. Surgical management is the treatment of choice1. In this report, it is described a young patient with abdominal cocoon who presented clinical signs and paraclinical findings of intestinal obstruction.


In July 2010 a 25 year-old man was admitted with 2-month history of intermittent colicky abdominal pain and bilious vomiting and abdominal distension. He also complained from chronic constipation, anorexia and 14 kg weight loss during the previous two months. He had no surgical or other medical history except using of a body building supplement drugs which contain creatin.

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