Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 17 jul, 2014

Effectiveness of the ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) in the treatment of anal fistula: initial results

Sergio Danilo Tanahara TOMIYOSHI
Carlos Henrique Marques DOS SANTOS
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202014000200004


The abscesses and anal fistulas represent about 70% of perianal suppuration, with an estimated incidence of 1/10000 inhabitants per year and representing 5% of queries in coloproctology.


To evaluate the effectiveness of the interesphincteric ligation technique of the fistulous tract in the treatment of anal fistula.


The records of eight patients who underwent this technique, evaluating age, gender and presence of incontinence were studied. Was named technical first-step the passage of cotton thread to promote the correct individualization of the fistula and, as the second, the surgical procedure.


Two patients were men and eight women. The mean age was 42.8 years. Of these, seven (87.5%) had complete healing of the fistula; six were cured only with this procedure and one required additional operation with simple fistulotomy. Only one patient developed fecal incontinence which was documented by anorectal manometry. There were no deaths in this series.


The interesphincteric ligation technique of the fistulous tract proved to be effective for the treatment of anal fistula and should not be discouraged despite the occurrence of eventual fecal incontinence.

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