Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 10 out, 2017


Alexandre Coutinho Teixeira de FREITAS
Desirée de Marillac Nascimento de MATOS
Jorge Amilton Tosato MILSTED
Julio Cezar Uili COELHO
DOI: 10.1590/0102-6720201700040003

Background :

Cold ischemia time is related to success of liver transplantation.

Aim :

To compare the impact of cold ischemia time on allografts locally collected to those collected distantly.

Methods :

Were evaluated 83 transplantations. The patients were divided in two groups: those who received liver grafts collected from cities out of Curitiba (n=42) and locally (n=41). From the donors were compared: cause of death, days at ICU, cardiac arrest, vasoactive drugs, lab exams, gender, age, and BMI. Were compared the subsequent information of receptors: cold ischemia time, warm ischemia time, length of surgery, lab exams, etiology of cirrhosis, MELD score, age, gender, histology of graft, use of vasoactive drugs, and blood components transfusion. Were evaluated the correlation between cold ischemia time and lab results.

Results :

The liver grafts collected from other cities were submitted to a longer cold ischemia time (500±145 min) compared to those locally collected (317,85±105 min). Donors from other cities showed a higher serum sodium level at donation (154±16 mEq/dl) compared to those from Curitiba (144±10 mEq/dl). The length of cold ischemia time was related to serum levels of ALT and total bilirubin.

Conclusion :

Liver grafts distantly collected underwent longer cold ischemia times, although it caused neither histologic injuries nor higher transfusion demands. There is a correlation between cold ischemia time and hepatic injury, translated by elevation of serum ALT and total bilirubin levels.

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