Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 07 jan, 2014

High definition endoscopy and "narrow band imaging" in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Frederico Salvador ASSIRATI
Cláudio Lyoiti HASHIMOTO
Ricardo Anuar DIB
Luiz Henrique Souza FONTES
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202014000100015


The gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition in the western world but less than half of patients present endoscopic abnormalities, making a standard procedure unsuitable for diagnosis. High definition endoscopy coupled with narrow band imaging has shown potential for differentiation of lesions and possible biopsy, allowing early diagnosis and treatment.


This review describes the principles of biotic and their influence in obtaining images with better definition of the vessels in the mucosa, through the narrow band imaging. Selected papers using it in patients with reflux disease and Barrett's esophagus are analyzed in several ways, highlighting the findings and limitations.


The meaning of the narrow band imaging in the endoscopic diagnosis of reflux disease will be defined by large scale studies, with different categories of patients, including assessment of symptoms and response to treatment.

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