Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 01 mar, 2013

May polyester with collagen coating mesh decrease the rate of intraperitoneal adhesions in incisional hernia repair?

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202013000100004

BACKGROUND: Among meshes used in incisional hernias in open technique repair, the polypropylene is the most commonly used due to flexibility, cellular growth stimulation, satisfactory inflammatory response, easy manipulation and low price. However, it induces adhesions formation when in contact with the intra-abdominal contents. AIM: To evaluate the formation of adhesions after polypropylene and collagen coated polyester mesh with intraperitoneal placement. METHODS: Twenty six female Wistar rats were randomized in three groups. In the group 0 (sham) there was no prosthesis placement, in the polypropylene (group 1) the prosthesis was placed at the peritoneal surface and in the group 2, collagen coated polyester mesh was placed. The rats were killed on postoperative day 21 to evaluate adhesions regarding its degree, mesh percentage of involvement, bowel involvement and strength needed to cause rupture. RESULTS: There was no difference in weight between groups. The group 0 did not develop any adhesions. The groups 1 and 2 developed prosthetic mesh surface adhesions, mostly in the omentum. There was no difference in adhesion degree and percentage of surface involvement between groups. The collagen coated mesh did not develop adhesions. The adhesions occurred at the free edge of the mesh, in contact with the polyester. The Polypropylene group presented 80% of the surface involved with adhesions, while the collagen coated polyester group presented 10% (p<0,005). CONCLUSION: There was no difference between adhesion, degree of adhesion and strength needed to cause rupture. However, the polypropylene mesh presented significantly higher surface of adhesion when compared to the collagen coated polyester mesh.

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Desenvolvido por Surya MKT

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