Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 01 set, 2014

Portal vein embolization using an adapted hysterosalpingography catheter

Jefferson ALVES
Marcelo ENNE
Lúcio Filgueiras PACHECO-MOREIRA
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202014000300011


Portal vein embolization is an accepted procedure that provides hypertrophy of the future remnant liver in order to reduce post-hepatectomy complications.


To present a series submitted to portal vein embolization using an adapted hysterosalpingography catheter via transileocolic route.


Were performed right portal branch embolization in 19 patients using hysterosalpingography catheter. For embolizing the vessel, was used Gelfoam(r) powder with absolute alcohol solution. Indications for hepatectomy were colorectal liver metastases in all cases.


An adequate growth of the future remnant liver was achieved in 15 patients (78.9%) and second time hepatectomy could be done in 14 (73.7%). In one patient (5.2%), tumor progression prevented surgery. One patient presented acute renal failure after portal embolization.


The hysterosalpingography catheter is easy to handle and can be introduced into the portal vein with a wire guide. There were no major post-embolization complication. Its use is safe, cheap and effective.

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