Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 06 mar, 2018


Gleim Dias de SOUZA
Luciana Rodrigues Queiroz SOUZA
Ronaldo Mafia CUENCA
Vinícius Martins VILELA
Bruno Eduardo de Morais SANTOS
Felipe Souza de AGUIAR
DOI: 10.1590/0102-672020180001e1371


Among the screening tests for colorectal cancer, colonoscopy is currently considered the most sensitive and specific technique. However, computed tomography colonography (CTC), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and transrectal ultrasonography have gained significant ground in the clinical practice of pre-treatment, screening and, more recently, post-treatment and surgical evaluation.


To demonstrate the high accuracy of CT and MRI for pre and postoperative colorectal cancer staging.


Search and analysis of articles in Pubmed, Scielo, Capes Periodicals and American College of Radiology with headings “colorectal cancer” and “colonography”. Weew selected 30 articles that contained radiological descriptions, management or statistical data related to this type of neoplasia. The criteria for radiological diagnosis were the American College of Radiology.

Results :

The great majority of patients with this subgroup of neoplasia is submitted to surgical procedures with the objective of cure or relief, except those with clinical contraindication. CTC colonography is not the most commonly used technique for screening; however, it is widely used for treatment planning, assessment of the abdomen for local complications or presence of metastasis, and post-surgical evaluation. MRI colonography is an alternative diagnostic method to CT, recommended by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Although there are still no major studies on the use of MRI for screening, the high resolution examination has now shown good results for the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM classification.


MRI and CT represent the best means for colorectal neoplasm staging. The use of these methods as screening tools becomes beneficial to decrease complications and discomfort related to colonoscopy.

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