Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 09 set, 2022


Âlvaro Antônio Bandeira Ferraz
DOI: 10.1590/0102-672020220002e1680

Professor Edmundo lived all his moments intensely. He was not a man of mincing words; he would say what he felt and what he wanted, but always at the right time and in a fair, polite, and caring way.

People who do not take a stand, those who are reluctant, and those who wish to be okay with everything and everyone will certainly make few enemies, but they will also have few admirers, few friends, and, above all, very few followers. They will not form leaders.

More than students, doctors, and surgeons, Professor Edmundo formed eager citizens: citizens who seek better working conditions; citizens who are not satisfied with poor quality medicine, provided by uncommitted people; and citizens who do not accept to offer different treatment to public patients compared to private ones. He formed citizens who protest by working and setting examples; citizens who, in times of conflict, work twice as hard, so that the neediest population is not penalized; and citizens who do not resign and who propose changes. This is the profile of Professor Edmundo’s disciples.

He lived his professional life intensely. He studied cutting-edge Medicine at a public hospital in the Brazilian Northeast. His dedication, commitment, and care for patients who would come to the University Hospital of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco were with a true unanimity of work and seriousness. He would always say: “Be the first to arrive and the last to leave. If you do that, you will earn the admiration and respect of everyone.”

Few public servants had the dedication that Professor Edmundo showed throughout his university life. I followed this dedication closely. For over 20 years, I assisted in all the private surgeries performed by him, always after 7 p.m. There were countless times that we left the surgery in a private hospital and went straight to the University Hospital, as the surgery lasted until dawn. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could compromise Professor Edmundo’s work schedule at the University Hospital.

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ABCD – BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY is a periodic with a single annual volume in continuous publication, official organ of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery - CBCD. Technical manager: Dr. Francisco Tustumi | CRM: 157311 | RQE: 77151 - Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo

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