Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 21 out, 2017


Guilherme Pedroso VARGAS
Giselle Abigail MENDES
Rinaldo Danesi Pinto
DOI: 10.1590/0102-6720201700040005

Background :

The satisfactory outcome in the surgical treatment of obesity must include, in addition to weight loss, a significant change in the pre-existing comorbidities and in the quality of life of the patients.

Aim :

To evaluate the quality of life in the late postoperative period in patients that underwent videolaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

Methods :

Was applied the questionnaire “Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System” (BAROS) in patients that underwent videolaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

Results :

A total of 47 patients between 21-60 years old were evaluated. The total mean of the BMI before surgery was 43.06±5.87 kg/m². The average percentage of the reduction of excess weight after surgery was 85.46±23.6%. The score obtained by patients in the questionnaire about the improvement in the quality of life showed excellent (36.17%), very good (40.43%), good (21.28%) and reasonable (2.13%) results. There was clinical improvement after surgery in all comorbidities investigated.

Conclusion :

BAROS showed excellent results in 36.17%, very good in 40.43%, good in 21.28% and reasonable in 2.13%. The weight loss was critical to improve the quality of life and offered the resolution or clinical improvement in all of the investigated comorbidities.

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ABCD – BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY is a periodic with a single annual volume in continuous publication, official organ of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery - CBCD. Technical manager: Dr. Francisco Tustumi | CRM: 157311 | RQE: 77151 - Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo

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