Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 08 abr, 2015

Transanal minimally invasive surgery for total mesorectal excision (ETM) through transanal approach (TaETM) with robotic and Transanal Endoscopic Operations (TEO) combined access: step by step surgery

Carlos Ramon Silveira MENDES
Rodrigo ARAÚJO
José Paulo JESUS
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-67202015000200008


In the treatment of colorectal cancer, from 1982 Heald proposed standardization of the total mesorectal excision, with a significant reduction in the recurrence rate. But the treatment of lower rectal lesions is still a challenge.


To describe the association of robotic low anterior resection- TATA (Transanal Abdominal Transanal Resection), with transanal access using Transanal Endoscopic Operations - TEO in the treatment of lower rectal cancer.


The TATA performs robotic abdominal approach and the TEO performs the perineal approach, developing total mesorectal excision (TME) transanally (TaETM).


The TaETM technique was applied in a woman with rectal adenocarcinoma 5 cm from the anal verge that had been submitted to chemoradiation. The procedure was performed with satisfatory operative time and favorable oncological outcome (grade 3 mesorectal excision).


This is a promising minimally invasive procedure in the armamentarium of rectal cancer treatment, specially in challenging scenarios such as narrow pelvis, obesity and very low rectal tumors.

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