Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 18 maio, 2020

Treatment of median arcuate ligament syndrome: outcome of laparoscopic approach

Julio Cezar Uili COELHO
Andréa Virmond El HOSNI
Christiano MarloPaggi CLAUS
Yan Sacha Hass AGUILERA
Gisele Pitrowsk ABOT
Alexandre Teixeira Coutinho de FREITAS
Marco Aurélio Raeder da COSTA
DOI: 10.1590/0102-672020190001e1495


Median arcuate ligament syndrome(MALS) is a rare condition thatmay cause significant clinical manifestations, including abdominal pain and weight loss. Its diagnosis may be difficult and very often delayed. The laparoscopic approach became the standard treatment of MALS.


To assess the outcome of laparoscopic treatment in patients with MALS.


The data of sixpatients with MALS who were subjected to laparoscopic sectioning of the median arcuate ligament were retrospectively reviewed.The following data were evaluated: age, gender, clinical and diagnostic tests findings, ASA score, operative findings and complications, postoperative complications and mortality, hospital stay duration, and hospital readmission.The diagnosis of MALS was established by CT angiography and/or MR angiography.


There were four (66.7%) women and two (33.3%) men aged from 32 to 60 years. The main symptoms were epigastric pain (100%) and weight loss (66.7%). The findings of high-grade stenosis of the proximal celiac axis and poststenotic dilation confirmed on angiography confirmed the diagnosis in all patients. Surgical procedure was uneventful in all patients. The only postoperative complication was urinary retention that occurred in a male. At three-month follow-up, all patients were asymptomatic.


Laparoscopic treatment of MALS is safe and effective in relieving the clinical manifestations of patients.

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