Category: Original Article

Jan, 2015

Comparison of laparoscopic total gastrectomy and laparotomic total gastrectomy for gastric cancer

Carlos Alexandre Garção RAMAGEM
Croider Franco LACERDA
Paulo Anderson BERTULUCCI
Antônio Talvane Torres de OLIVEIRA
Jan, 2015

New alternative for wound protection in laparoscopic colectomy

José Jorge da SILVA
Rafael Melo SILVA
Kárin Kneipp COSTA
Jan, 2015

Two port video-assisted gastrostomy and jejunostomy: technical simplification and clinical results

Carlos Eduardo DOMENE
Marco Aurélio SANTO
Jan, 2015

Total clipless cholecystectomy by means of harmonic sealing

Almino Cardoso RAMOS
Manoela Galvão RAMOS
Manoel dos Passos GALVÃO-NETO
Josemberg MARINS
Eduardo Lemos de Souza BASTOS
Jan, 2015

Nutritional repercussions in patients submitted to bariatric surgery

Maurício Mendes de ALBUQUERQUE
Ricardo Reis do NASCIMENTO
Luisa Salvagni da ROSA
Daniel de Andrade HYGIDIO
Raphaela Mazon ZAPELINI
Jan, 2015

Weight loss and nutritional anemia in patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on use of vitamin and mineral supplementation

Natalia Maria Coutinho Pinheiro de Jesus RAMOS
Fernanda Cristina Carvalho Mattos MAGNO
Larissa COHEN
Eliane Lopes ROSADO
João Régis Ivar CARNEIRO
Jan, 2015

Post-bariatric surgery weight regain: evaluation of nutritional profile of candidate patients for endoscopic argon plasma coagulation

Maria Paula Carlini CAMBI
Simone Dallegrave MARCHESINI
Giorgio Alfredo Pedroso BARETTA
Jan, 2015

Food intolerances and associated symptoms in patients undergoing Fobi-Capella technique without gastric ring

Marcella de Arruda MOREIRA
Patrícia Ramos Maciel ESPÍNOLA
Camila Wanderley de AZEVEDO
Cinthia Karla Rodrigues do Monte GUEDES
Jan, 2015

Clinical, endoscopic and manometric features of the primary motor disorders of the esophagus

Júlio César MARTINEZ
Gustavo Rosa de Almeida LIMA
Diego Henrique SILVA
Alexandre Ferreira DUARTE
Neil Ferreira NOVO
Ernesto Carlos da SILVA
Pérsio Campos Correia PINTO
Alexandre Moreira MAIA
1 23 24 25 26 27 55
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ABCD – BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY is a periodic with a single annual volume in continuous publication, official organ of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery - CBCD. Technical manager: Dr. Francisco Tustumi | CRM: 157311 | RQE: 77151 - Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo

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