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Jan, 2015

Clinical, endoscopic and manometric features of the primary motor disorders of the esophagus

Júlio César MARTINEZ
Gustavo Rosa de Almeida LIMA
Diego Henrique SILVA
Alexandre Ferreira DUARTE
Neil Ferreira NOVO
Ernesto Carlos da SILVA
Pérsio Campos Correia PINTO
Alexandre Moreira MAIA
Jan, 2015

Esophageal mucosal resection versus esophagectomy: a comparative study of surgical results in patients with advanced megaesophagus

Gustavo Carvalho de OLIVEIRA
Rodrigo Lima Bastos da ROCHA
João de Souza COELHO-NETO
Luiz Roberto LOPES
Nelson Adami ANDREOLLO
Jan, 2015

Clinical and therapeutic correlations in patients with slight acute pancreatitis

Hamilton Luiz Xavier FUNES
Jan, 2015

Minimal endoscopic changes in non-erosive reflux disease

Ana Carolina Ferreira RATIN
Ivan Roberto Bonotto ORSO
Jan, 2015

Surgical management of cystic dilatation bile ducts in adults

Olival Cirilo Lucena da FONSECA-NETO
Moacir Cavalcante de ALBUQUERQUE-NETO
Antonio Lopes de MIRANDA
Jan, 2015

Influence of surgical technique in the peritoneal carcinomatosis surgical wound implant: experimental model in mice

Roberto Maranhão ROSA
Rafael Coelho CAIADO
Paulo Roberto de Melo REIS
Elisângela de Paula Silveira LACERDA
Denis Masashi SUGITA
Fátima MRUÉ
Jan, 2015

In-hospital weight loss, prescribed diet and food acceptance

Vania Aparecida LEANDRO-MERHI
Silvana Mariana SREBERNICH
Gisele Mara Silva GONÇALVES
José Luiz Braga de AQUINO
Jan, 2015

Prognostic factors of surgically-treated patients with cancer of the right colon: a ten years' experience of a single universitary institution

Sergio Carlos NAHAS
Caio Sergio Rizkallah NAHAS
Rodrigo Ambar PINTO
Carlos Frederico Sparapan MARQUES
Fabio Guilherme CAMPOS
Jan, 2015

CBCD: 25 years later!

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ABCD – BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY is a periodic with a single annual volume in continuous publication, official organ of the Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery - CBCD. Technical manager: Dr. Francisco Tustumi | CRM: 157311 | RQE: 77151 - Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo

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