The cryptorchidism is the most common congenital malformation of the genitourinary tract4. The intra-abdominal testicle is subject to complications such as cancer, ischemia and infertility1. The most common malignant transformation of undescended testicle is the seminoma2,3,5. Here is presented a case of adult massive pelvic mass corresponding to seminoma developed in intra-abdominal testis.
MC'S, man, 32, with a history of progressive and painless increased abdominal size four weeks ago, no other complaints. He had also several congenital malformations including: pectus excavatum, congenital dislocation of the hip and clubfoot (operated in childhood). Physical examination revealed ascites, bilateral pleural effusion and a hardened mass located in flank and the right iliac fossa of about 20 cm. Was detected the absence of the right testicle in scrotum. No abnormal laboratory tests were present. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed ascites and heterogeneous pelvic mass (Figure 1). The cytological study of ascites and pleural effusion showed no neoplastic cells.
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