Revista ABCd (São Paulo). 24 Mar, 2018


Nicolau Gregori CZECZKO
DOI: 10.1590/0102-672020180001e1368

The qualities that make the doctor and the surgeon a successful professional is intense curiosity, warmth capacity and professional training with the art of making proper diagnosis and surgical intervention.

Most of us go to medicine or embrace it with a missionary spirit, committed to helping people.

We are grateful for the opportunity to help, proud of our ability to make a good diagnosis, designate and perform the appropriate treatment, and have a great reward for the trust we have received from our patients. We are imbued and exercising a profession not a business.

According to the American College of Surgeons - ACS - a profession or a professional is considered to have: 1) the domain of the use of a specific knowledge; 2) relative autonomy of professional practice and the privilege of self-examination; 3) to act altruistically serving individuals or society; 4) have the responsibility to maintain and expand their knowledge and skills; 5) on the other hand, they are charged and have the duty to put the needs of patients above theirs and to have always exemplary behavior.

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